Founded in 2011 by Maxie Matthiessen, Veronica D’Souza and Julie Weigaard Kjær, Ruby Cup has now become a world renowned menstrual cup brand. This is not only because of the great product that it is, but also because of the company philosophy that works on a B1G1 model. This operational model means that for EVERY Ruby cup sold, they donate one to a disadvantaged girl or woman through their numerous partner organisations. Whether you decide to purchase your Ruby Cup online, offline, or with a retailer such as MCA Online, the Buy One, Give One promise will always be honoured. Together with the Ruby Cup partners, trainers and customers, they have been able to help over 96,000 women and girls manage their periods better and with dignity.
The social taboos surrounding sexual health and periods are still huge in some developing countries, with many young girls and women not understanding their body or how to hygienically and effectively manage their menstruation. Not only is there a lack of understanding, there are countless numbers of women and girls who do not have access to safe and effective menstrual products. Their only option when it comes to managing their period, is to use items like rags, paper, and sometimes other unsafe materials. The mission of Ruby is to change this! and that change is helped every time someone purchases one of their cups.
The donated cups are not simply distributed to disadvantaged girls, they are accompanied by detailed education and support. When the Ruby Cups are distributed, they are done by Ruby Cup trainers, who provide education on reproductive health, as well as detailed instruction on how to properly and safely use a menstrual cup. These trainers and partners with Ruby Cup, have reported that 80-96% of girls who receive a new cup will continue to use it. Some of the trainers even receive thank you notes from the girls they have helped.
In 2012, Ruby were only distributing cups to schoolgirls in East Arica. Now, they are now able to distribute cups and provide menstrual education through partners and trainers across 11 countries.
With your help and purchase, Ruby Cup can continue to help other women and girls manage their period in safety, privacy and with dignity.