As a menstrual cup user, you are choosing an environmentally sustainable period care option. Not only are they good for the environment, menstrual cups also give you great freedom and flexibility, especially during your outdoor activities. So why not continue with your environmentally friendly choices, and start to consider ways in which you can make your outdoor activities as sustainable as possible too?
Hiking is a wonderful way to stay active, keep fit, enjoy the great outdoors and reconnect with nature. This pastime is enjoyed by people from different backgrounds, cultures and generations all around the world, and each one will have their own individual reasons as to why they wish to be part of such an amazing adventure. But regardless of our reasons for taking part, we must all make a commitment to ensuring that our hiking habits are sustainable, so that we can enjoy the trails for years to come.
Planning for a sustainable hike can begin before you even reach the trail, or make a decision about where you want to go. In fact, thinking carefully about the trail you will choose forms an important part of your sustainable decision making process.
Over the last few years, many different hiking trails across the world have been closed as a result of over-use. It’s reassuring to know that government officials are putting these measures in place, but perhaps the closures are coming too late, when we could take measures in to our own hands and prevent this from happening in the first place. Consider choosing trails that are (literally) off the beaten path. There’s nothing better than hiking in a quiet location, away from the crowds, and finding new, undiscovered paths. Not only will you be doing yourself a favour relishing in the peace and quiet, but the environment will thank you for this too.
Another thing to consider is the time of year you want to hike. For example, some trails might be well-known for wildlife at particular point in time, and you might want to catch a glimpse of this during your excursion. However, consider the impact that you being there might have, and whether or not it could be potentially damaging or harmful to the creatures and the environment. It’s easy to get carried away and of course we understand the desire to see natural events happening first hand, but it can also be good to just let nature take its course and be at peace with the fact that you allowed this to happen.
Finally, once you have chosen your trail, and the time of year you wish to visit, consider how you will reach your destination. Are you travelling as a group, in which case, can you car share with others? Is the trail close to your house; is it possible to cycle or even walk there? Adding a few extra miles on to your journey by foot isn’t such a bad thing and will help you to build up the strength needed for conquering even more challenging hikes in the future.
It’s very easy to get caught up in the excitement of planning a hike, especially when there are so many beautiful locations around the world to visit. However, when arranging your trips you should always consider the long-term effects that your actions could potentially have. You want to make sure that you, and generations after you, can enjoy these trails time and time again; planning effectively and sustainable can ensure this becomes a reality.